how to pronounce drugs

Tocainamide's side effect profile is similar to Lidocaine, however there is also a risk of blood dyscrasias, which requires a weekly CBC to be drawn for the first three months of therapy. Fluvastatin is the least potent of the statins, lowering LDLc by less than 30%. Like most of the other statins, it is metabolized via CYP 450 system in the liver. However, Fluvastatin is an inhibitor of 2C9 and not a substrate of 3A4.

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FDA indicated for acute mountain sickness, ADRs that lead to edema, CHF complicated by edema, and epilepsy. It is also indicated as an adjunct for glaucoma, which is the most frequent usage of this class of drugs. May cross react with patients who have sulfa allergies. Indicated for life threatening ventricular arrythmias.

Difficult-to-Pronounce Drug Names

It is metabolized renally, and therefore is not subject to as many drug interactions as Atorvastatin. Unlike Dobutamine, Milrinone provides non-receptor mediated ionotropy. It is indicated in the same instances as Dobutamine, but is cleared both renally and through hepatic mechanisms in preventing nicotine poisoning in dogs approximately 2 hours. It has been shown to be less proarrythmic than Dobutamine, but much more costly. Milrinone is the drug of choice if a patient has previously been on β-blocker therapy, due to the fact that Dobutamine is a β-agonist and may not be 100% effective in these patients.

Before taking this medicine

how to pronounce drugs

A prime mark (′) follows the primary accent syllable; a double prime mark (″) follows any secondary accent syllable. All syllables are separated by a blank space. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records.

Non dihydropyridine CCB (as well as class IV antiarrythmic). Indicated for HTN, angina and AV node arrythmias (such as SVT). The drugs in this class are negative inotropes and can worsen CHF.

A major drug interaction can result when Gemfibrozil is used in combination with statins. Gemfibrozil increases the active form of the statin in the body, leading to a higher incidence of rhabdomyolosis. The most potent class of agents indicated for diuresis, however, loops are not the most potent antihypertensive diuretic (see HCTZ). Used mainly for diuresis of fluid overloaded patients suffering from renal disease, CHF and other edematous disease states.

  1. The class has a niche however in the treatment of patients who are hypertensive and have BPH.
  2. FDA indicated for acute mountain sickness, ADRs that lead to edema, CHF complicated by edema, and epilepsy.
  3. Sign up for our stellar online video series, The Top 250 Drugs.
  4. The class has fallen out of favor due to findings of the ALLHAT trial that demonstrated a 25% increase in cardiovascular events if used to treat HTN.

Warfarin is the only anticoagulant available PO. It irreversibly inhibits vitamin K dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X), as well as protein C and S (the body’s endogenous vitamin K dependent anticoagulants). The drug is cleared hepatically via CYP2C9 and its half life is the length of the vitamin K dependent factors (the longest being factor II with a half life of 60 hours). Due to the inactivation of protein C and S, warfarin therapy must be initiated concomitantly with heparin, to combat the initial hypercoaguable state. Warfarin therapy is monitored via the patients INR. The drug is notorious for drug interactions due to its narrow therapeutic window.

Results in greater peripheral vasodilation than non-dihydropyridine CCBs (Dilatiazem/Verapamil). Amlodipine is one of the least likely DHPs to cause reflex tachycardia and therefore can be used in CHF as well as to control HTN and angina. Starting dosages are typically 2.5-5mg/day with a maximum dose of 10mg QD.

how to pronounce drugs

Its toxicities include CNS disturbances, anxiety, confusion and drowsiness. It acts as a competitive inhibitor of Alanine racemase and transferase. Clavulanic acid is a ß-Lactamase Inhibitor used in combinations with Amoxicillin (Augmentin®) choosing an alcohol rehab treatment program and Ticarcillin (Timentin®). Used in a wide variety of infections ranging from skin, UTI, respiratory tract infections to ear infections. Reduces platelet count through an unknown mechanism. Indicated for myeloproliferative disorders.

Common side effects include; edema, palpitations, GI distress, dizziness, dyspnea and fever. Most frequently used in combination with Hydrochlorothiazide (Moduretic®). Ask your doctor before taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, and others.

It is indicated for hypertensive urgency but it must be used with a diuretic. If discontinued abruptly a "discontinuation syndrome" can develop due to sympathetic hyperactivity. Signs and symptoms include anxiety, tachycardia, H/A, tremor, muscle pain and N/V.

A direct vasodilator (of arteriolar smooth muscle). Used in CHF as the combination drug Bidel with Hydralazine. Bidel has been shown to be a more effective initial therapy than ACE-I in African Americans to both lower BP and increase survival in HF patients. However, the combination can be dispensed separately for a more economical therapy if a patient is concerned over drug prices. Like Labetolol but the drug of choice if a CHF patient is experiencing hypertensive urgency. An interaction with desvenlafaxine could cause a serious condition called serotonin syndrome.

An acid stable Penicillin, used in oral preparations. Unlike the statins the fibrates do not substantially lower LDLc, but are used to lower triglycerides (TG) and raise HDLc. Tricor is an improvement over the first generation fibrate, Gemfibrozil, due to its decreased likelihood to cause rhabdomyolosis when used in combination with the statins. Dicloxacillin is a ß-lactamase resistant and acid stable Penicillin. Cloxacillin is a ß-lactamase resistant and acid stable Penicillin.

After researching drug names for my online course, Pronounce Drug Names Like a Pro, I know there are better ways. We have also listed the most common misspellings of popular drug names below. An HMG CoA reductase inhibitor ("statin"). Like Atorvastatin, it is used to lower LDLc. It is the 3rd most potent statin, lowering LDL by approximently 50%.

A penicillin that shows ß-lactamase resistance and is acid stable, thus used in oral preparations. A Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, used as a diuretic, most frequently used in glaucoma. Imipenem is a very efficient agent with the broadest spectrum of any antibiotic available in the United States, and is reserved for serious infections. It is hydrolyzed by renal dehydropeptidase (DHP-I) and is thus combined with a DHP-I inhibitor, Cilistatin. A diuretic, most frequently used in glaucoma. Cycloserine has a broad spectrum but is mostly used as a second line Anti TB agent.

It is pharmacokinetically dosed with a therapeutic range between 2-6 mcg/ml. Lidocaine is hepatically cleared to two active metabolites MegX and GX, which are both antiarrythmic as well as neurotoxic. how does increased alcohol tolerance affect a person Due to these metabolites, CNS side effects are common. These side effects are first manifested as dizziness and slurred speech and can progress to seizures if toxic levels continue.

ACE-I are the agents of choice for patients with HTN and concomitant diabetes due to the positive effects of these drugs on the kidney. The primary side effect of concern is a dry cough. Tolerance does not develop to the cough and if it greatly bothers the patient switching to an ARB many be indicated. ACE-I are one of the only antihypertensive drugs that will actually improve quality of life, resulting in the patient "feeling better". Care must be taken if these drugs are used in combination with potassium sparing diuretics or ARBs due to increased propensity of hyperkalemia. A Vitamin K antagonist in the class of coumarins.

Although Sotalol is a class III antiarrthmic, it actually is a racemic mixture that has significant class II (β blocking) capabilities. It is not frequently used and when used the HR and QT interval must be diligently monitored. An HMG CoA reductase inhibitor ("statin") of moderate potency, lowering LDLc by approximately 35%.

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