How to Relieve Job Stress After Work

Talkspace connects you to licensed therapists based on their expertise from across the country. It covers a range of mental health needs such as depression, anxiety & stress, parenting, trauma & grief, substance abuse, LGBTQIA+ specific topics, eating disorders & more. Write down what stresses you out during the workday and how you respond. Perhaps morning traffic makes you late and cranky from the start, or a noon meeting causes you to forgo lunch for chips instead.

Make Your Non-Work Time Count

How to Relieve Job Stress After Work

The goal of journaling — at least, when you’re recovering from burnout — is to get what’s in your head (jumbled as it may be) onto paper. Writing down what’s happening in your life, how you feel about it, your goals or even a to-do list can be very cathartic. One way to track your stress levels, mood and other burnout symptoms is by keeping a journal. When you’re burnt out, you may find that you’re more easily stressed out, or that you have a stress reaction to situations that wouldn’t normally bother you. Taking the time to note when you’re most stressed can help you find patterns and formulate solutions.

How to Relieve Job Stress After Work

Enjoy Your Commute Home

Housing, transportation and food are Americans' most expensive budget categories, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Together, they accounted for a whopping 63% of average household annual spending in 2022. Reverse budgeting is another method that puts your savings front and center. Here, you move income to savings first and then spend what is left.

Setting boundaries

Work-related stress can stem from several sources, and stressors can affect individual employees, team dynamics, company culture, and overall productivity. Chronic stress and toxic stress can lead to a negative work environment, high turnover rates, a lack of being present while at work, and reduced efficiency for the company. If your stress symptoms tend to spike when you’re at work or thinking about work, it’s likely work stress, whereas feelings of general anxiety and depression encompass more aspects of your life than solely work. Performance anxiety may also lead you to experience higher stress levels in the workplace. If this isn’t possible at work, consider doing it in your private life to avoid adding more pressure to your days. If setting your own ground rules isn’t possible, try to rely on relaxation techniques on your own time to compensate for some of the stress this may cause you.

How to Relieve Job Stress After Work

Stress affects everyone differently, and what is a stressor for one person may not be for another. Recognizing the signs can help you identify when work is affecting your wellbeing. These symptoms can also be related to other health conditions, so consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any other causes. Spend time with family or friends, sharing how to destress after work experiences and enjoying laughter together to enhance your mood and create a supportive environment to unwind after work. Just a few minutes of sitting quietly to focus on your breath, or using a guided meditation, can help calm your mind. Six months and six treatments under my belt, I gawk at the smoothness of the skin along my jawline and cheeks.

tips for handling stress at work in the moment

High-pressure jobs can create psychological stress that is severe enough to have physical effects, from chronic headaches to nausea to insomnia. If we find ourselves in the kind of job that is resulting in a hit to our health, we must take intentional steps to better our body and mind. At the onset of your physical symptoms, write down what’s happening to you and around you. Second, make sure you’re getting enough exercise and mental downtime, voicing your concerns to others, and setting healthy boundaries.

Next to each, try to write at least two possible ways to manage those stressors ahead of time. For example, you can focus on your breath for 1 minute and then mentally repeat a positive affirmation for 3 minutes. You could also write down this affirmation on a Word document and focus on the screen for a few minutes while you read it in your mind. Consider searching for music that you can listen to while you work, or, on stressful days, try to listen to your favorite tunes while going to and back from work and during your breaks. Looking out a window for 5 minutes to focus on the sky, trees, birds, lights, or anything else you can look at, may also help you manage stress at work.

Deep breathing exercises

How to manage stress at work: 6 tips to relieve the pressure

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